When it comes to safety, we focus on ensuring our facilities and operations in our business undertakings. While we implement robust governance mechanisms, we also leverage strong HSE leadership of our top management to inculcate a deeper sense of HSE discipline and mindsets within the organisation. And to promote and strengthen a safety-first culture within our peers in the industry, we engage closely with stakeholders such as host governments, contractors and communities. Over the past five years, we have zero fatalities and zero lost time injury recorded in our Malaysia and foreign operations.
Wherever we operate, we perform Toolbox talk with the purpose of improving human safety health at all our workshops or job site daily prior to the commencement of work for the day both in Malaysia and globally. We do it continuously and periodically so that we actively identify potential risks and take actions to eliminate or reduce the adverse impacts.
Our code of conduct and business ethics guide affirms our commitment to uphold sustainable development in order to meet the world’s growing energy needs through economic, environmental, and socially responsible efforts, underpinned by a framework of responsible governance. As integrity is paramount, Serba Dinamik employees are expected to act in good faith and ensure fidelity, diligence, and integrity on all occasions. Our policies address various potential compliance and ethical risks such as whistleblowing, acts of solicitation, bribery, corruption, gifts and entertainment and money laundering.